
What can I do for you?


Your software development team needs support on the way to the cloud?

DevOps has established itself as one of the major trends in software development in recent years. It is an approach that automates and optimizes the processes between software development and operational IT teams. The focus here is not only on technology, but also on the culture of collaboration between different teams in a company. Thus, it is intended to make software development more reliable and faster.

I would be happy to provide you and your software development team with advice and support.
I advise you on the selection of a matching cloud provider, plan the architecture of the infrastructure & software, develop a suitable deployment process together with your team and select fitting, efficient and current cloud technologies for your project.

You can also benefit from the shared DevOps experience of two IT experts from a WunderBaren (wonderful) collaboration with Robert Wunderer.

  • A confusing number of cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure, European Cloud, etc.)
  • Architecture of infrastructure & software
  • Deployment process
  • Fitting, efficient and current cloud technologies (Kubernetes, Terraform, etc.)

Software Development

You need individual development?

There are hardly any companies left where software development plays no role.
Although “off-the-shelf” software is essential, it is not always the best and most efficient solution for individual requirements.
Here, individual software development offers decisive advantages. It can be used specifically to save time, costs and nerves.

Tell me your requirements or concept, then we will discuss and plan the implementation.

  • Requirements, conception & implementation
  • Fitting, efficient and current technologies
  • Additional programs, extensions, interfaces (EDI), etc.


You have an idea for a web application but no one to implement it?

Web applications have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Individual requirements also require individual and professional developments, with the latest technologies always in tune with the times.

Tell me more about your idea, together we will definitely find a suitable solution.
We create a concept together, talk about the design, the usability and plan the implementation. In addition, I would be happy to assist you at any time with the solution of any possible problems and the planning and implementation of further developments.

  • Conception, design/usability & implementation
  • Frontend development (HTML/CSS, JavaScript frameworks, etc.)
  • Backend development (fitting, efficient and current backend technologies)
  • Database development (SQL, NoSQL, etc.)
  • Problem-solving & further developments


You want to sell your products online or are you no longer satisfied with your current solution?

The rapid developments of the past few years have radically changed the behavior of consumers and business users. The expectations and challenges are very high, this is how the quality of your e-commerce system should be.
It is no longer enough to run an online shop where your products sell themselves!
If you don't take care of your shop, then it won't take care of you either ;)

We talk about your requirements, create a concept together and find a suitable solution.
I would be happy to advise you, develop a strategy with you and accompany you from the concept to the design and the implementation up to the (re)launch of your shop and beyond.

  • Business-to-Business/Consumer (B2B/B2C), Product Information Management (PIM), e-commerce marketing, etc.
  • Suitable shop systems (Shopify, WooCommerce, Shopware, etc.)
  • Extensions & interfaces (ERP, CRM, etc.)
  • Ongoing support of the online shop